Monday 24 December 2012

The Meditation of Tangerine Picking

Due to the weather, the tangerine picking is taking a long time.  And that's great, for the mind. We cut them and place them delicately in a crate, and sepparate the ones that are too small for regular sale or damaged for our bellies or the rotten ones for the compost.

It's a great time to work on breathing in and out.

We started late November and we should finished in late December with the primary harvest.

Friday 14 December 2012

Waste Not! Want not!

Mulme Healing Farm has a bunch of pork from a freshly slaughtered pig that must be eaten. Come join us for games and a barbeque. We can feed 6-10. Would tomorrow be too soon? Message me your availability at

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Making Organic Pesticide

We gather the plant from around our tangerine trees to make organic pesticide. We cut the plant up and then boil for a half an hour to decoct the phytochemicals. We then place it in a container to spray.

 It's useful to protect the vegetables from being eaten by bugs. We spray on the vegetables to keep them from being eaten. It's safe to use unlike chemical pesticides that adhere to the plants and are often absorbed into more porous vegetables such as leaf vegetables or fruits.

It works so well.