Sunday 14 August 2011

The House That Lives

Mulme Healing Farm has lot of materials made of wood. There are faces carved are into poles. Book shelves are made of wood.

Sap is still coming out of the wood. In a way you can say the wood retains it's life force.

The energy of place is positive.

You can sit anywhere on the floor.

It's very good space for healing energy and meditation and reflection.

Let's Meditate

Sit down in the house.

Sit up straight.

Close your eyes.

Feel its natural energy.

Clear your mind of all thoughts.

Think to yourself I am soo happy in this moment.

Think about your breathing.

Listen to your breathing.

Try to extend the breaths and out.

How is your siitting?

Are you sitting naturally?

Feel the blood of your body flow through you.

Listen to the sound of your breaths.

Make your breaths deep and long. IN------------ and--------Out.

Extend this for as long as possible.

The meditation is over now because you must return to the life that you live. Is your mind clear now? Our your prepare for the tasks that lie ahead. LIfe is hard and difficult and all of that is a necessary part of it. You can not meditate forever. You have things to do. When these day is over you will need more meditation so you will return to it. For now we must prepare ourselves for the day ahead. 

Go forward with a positive mind. 
